PENCIL Portal: Govt’s initiative to eliminate Child Labour

Mr. Rajnath Singh, the Union Home Minister, has launched a web portal PENCIL to eradicate the menace of Child Labour from our society in New Delhi on 26th September, 2017.

The portal will be helpful for effective implementation of National Child Labour Project (NCLP).

Pencil Portal: To eradicate Child Labour from India
Eradicate Child Labour from India

The acronym PENCIL stands for Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour, which is developed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE).

Components of PENCIL portal

The PENCIL portal has five components:

  1. Child Tracking System
  2. Complaint Corner
  3. State Government
  4. National Child Labour Project
  5. Convergence

This portal will connects the Centre to the state government, district and to all project societies and would provide a mechanism for implementation.

PENCIL portal
Objectives of PENCIL portal

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Statements regarding child labour

Rajnath Singh, the Union Home Minister, said:

India is committed to eradicate child labour. Children are the future of country, so it high time we save every child.

He further said:

Child labour is unacceptable in a civilised society. People should take pledge to fight against child labour. It is unfortunate that child labour is still prevailing in the country even after 70 years of independence.

NCLP scheme

The Central Government is implementing the National Child Labour Project (NCLP ) scheme since 1988 to eliminate child labour. Under the NCLP scheme:

  • A survey is conducted to identify child worker and adolescent working in hazardous occupations and processes in a district or a specified area.
  • Then, identified children are withdrawn from these occupations & processes, and put into NCLP Special Training Centres.
  • In these training centres, children are provided bridge education, vocational training, mid-day meal, stipend, health care and recreation etc. with the ultimate objective of preparing them to be mainstreamed into the formal system of education.

Megha Jain

Engg & Freelance Author

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