![Online Shopping Securely](https://res.cloudinary.com/technosavie/images/f_auto,q_auto/w_600,h_350,c_fill,g_auto/v1600785622/ts/online-shopping-securely/online-shopping-securely-1-600x350.png)
The business model of India is changing day-by-day. The e-commerce platform is not a new thing for us Indians.
In today’s scenario, companies are expanding their online business and to lure us they are selling their products at lesser prices as compare to offline prices. However, we must keep in mind that the companies will always remain in profit whether they do offline or online business.
![Online Shopping](https://www.dropbox.com/s/lcy3f5zi4n3j5wl/online-shopping.jpg?raw=1)
Though, till date, most of the people have not awareness about online shopping. They somehow or other become a victim of online fraud.
Today, many online customers are sharing their personal / financial data, payment information, bank card & wallet data online irrespective of knowing pros and cons of it and becoming victims of online fraud.
Then, question arises what to do & what not to do for safe & online shopping?
ALSO READ: Govenment of India (GoI)’s Tarang Sanchar Portal V/S Supreme Court of India (SCI)
- Secure Website: Do online shopping only through trusted websites. Be aware that the website which uses SSL certificate, only from there you have to do shopping. Also don’t do shopping from websites which show popups.
- E-wallet: Never give your e-wallet password to anyone. Your mobile phone must be password protected. If e-wallet fraud occurs with you then immediately contact your e-wallet company and then lodge FIR in Police station.
- Feedback: Whenever you do online shopping must do scrutiny over Seller feedback. Apart from this, must read description of product when you do online beeding shopping.
- Bank / Card / E-mail: Never give your bank account or card or SMS or e-mail details on phone or email to anyone if they ask for.
- No Cheque: While doing online shopping, if a seller gives his / her personal account to transfer money then direct SAY NO to them. And also, never accept refund cheques too.
- Personal Details: While doing online shopping, one should always keep in mind that one should never give any personal information / details which is not related to online shopping.
READ MORE: Supreme Court of India (SCI) digital e-filing system: A move towards Digital Court
In India, there is lack of awareness about cyber crimes and also have not strict cyber law to protect & prevent us from these online frauds. So, be cautious while doing online shopping.
If anyone knows some other methods to protect & prevent people from online frauds then suggestions are Welcome! Please share with us and support & secure the country from online scams.