Celebrating Yoga App launched by the Indian Government for scientific healthy living

Celebrating Yoga (DST) – The new mobile App has been launched by the Indian Government where people can share experience about yoga activities on the occasion of the International Yoga Day (IYD) 2017.

CelebratingYoga App: Share Your Event
Share Your Event

The App will be connected with Google Maps where shared information can be seen by the users and will also be visible on DST website through a social wall.

It is designed & developed by the Department of Science & Technology (DST) to popularize Yoga and encourage people to participate in it for a scientifically healthy living.

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The App will provide a platform to share information and insights about peoples’ participation in yoga activities on the occasion of the International Yoga Day (IYD) 2017. It will also help create awareness and encourage a scientifically healthy living.

The App will also enable in capturing both mass events being organized in public places, schools and office complexes across the country and individual enthusiasts who are performing yoga to promote the celebration of the day and yoga performances.

How to use Celebrating Yoga (DST) App

  1. Download and Install App from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the app & share your Yoga event and submit.
  3. View your photos and locations on Google Maps.

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It was launched by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, the Union Minister for Science & Technology (MoS&T), in New Delhi to connect people through Yoga for scientific healthy living.

Recently, Indian Government has also launched Tele-Law Service that will provide legal legal advice to citizens living in rural areas and marginalized communities through the Common Service Centre (CSC) network.

Note: In 2015, DST had launched a research programme Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation (SATYAM) under its Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI) to increase research in the areas of yoga and meditation.

Megha Jain

Engg & Freelance Author

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