Instagram stories

Instagram has introduced its new feature Instagram Stories, which allows users to share series of photos and videos in order to tell their story.

In the new feature “Instagram Stories”videos will fade away after 24 hours and won’t appear on their profiles but the images will remain there. Instagram will store users’ images and videos on its server. If user’s Instagram account is public, user’s story will be public otherwise their stories will be protected, they can share their stories either publicly or privately.

Instagram Stories is similar to the Snapchat, which was introduced in 2013 and is much popular among youngsters. In Snapchat “Stories” are viewed in chronological order and each segment is accessible for 24 hours.

Like Snapchat, Instagram users will be able to edit their images with text, emojis, doodles and drawing tools and can also check who is reading their stories.

Images with text, emojis, doodle and drawing tools
Images with text, emojis, doodle and drawing tools

According to the Facebook, with Instagram Stories, users do not have to worry about over-posting and they can easily create and share video among their dear ones.

Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook account, “This is the latest step in putting video at the center of all our services. People are already creating and sharing more video, so we’re going to make it even easier.”

Ring around profile picture shows a story
Ring around profile picture shows a story

Users will see stories from the people whom they follow at the top of their feed and a ring around their profile picture tells them when their story has updated. Pressing on that ring shows a story and users can also tap to send a direct message to a user about any particular post in a story.

Tap the
Tap the “+” icon to create your story

If user want to create own Instagram story, they need to  tap the “+” icon, located in the top left-hand corner of the screen, to publish the story camera after creating the video or image user can you can add text, emojis and draw on it.

Instagram  is the most popular online mobile photo-story app, which was bought by Facebook in 2012.