Twitter Sewa

The Minister of Communications Manoj Sinha has recently launched Twitter Sewa service to address the complaints and concerns of the common man and other stake-holders in the telecom and postal services.

With this, the telecom and postal service users can now file complaints with the government directly on social media platform Twitter.

The complaints lodged through this service will be available to the ministry officials and can be categorized as immediate, mid-term and long-term complaints

The Twitter Sewa platform is free for government departments.

The initiative is in the tune with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of minimum government, maximum governance.

Twitter Sewa

How complaints will lodge through Twitter Sewa platform?

The complaints will be lodge through Twitter handle “@manojsinhabjp”. People can use 4 commands to escalate their complaints viz. #DoTSewa, #BSNLSewa, #MTNLSewa, #PostalSewa.

How Twitter Sewa will resolve complaints of common man ?

When complaints received against any telecom operator and Department of Post (DOP) on Twitter handle, it will be communicated to the concerned telecom operator and DOP immediately for quick resolution and better service.  With this, the specific department will be able to respond in real-time to complaints, assign it to relevant officers, assign criticality and track the complaints.

The platform will also address the grievances that are raised against private players.


Megha Jain

Engg & Freelance Author

Straight forward